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Bloomfield & Avocats

Private International, Corporate, Commercial and Tax Law, Banking, Securities, Intellectual Property and Estate Law

Harry J.F. Bloomfield Q.C.


K.J.St.J., B.A., LL.B., M.B.A.

Harry J.F. Bloomfield, Q.C.

1969 - 1971

- Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, Cambridge, Mass.; obtained an M.B.A. Degree with emphasis on international finance. President of Canadian Club Of Harvard Business School 1970-1971. Section "E" correspondent, Class of 1971 for the Harvard Business School Bulletin, 1975-1992, section agent 1999.

June 1969

- Received to practice Law at Bar of Quebec, appointed Queens Counsel, 1991.

1965 - 1968

- Universit� De Montr�al, Montr�al, QC Received Law Degree, LL.B. June 1968; Class Representative to Law Student's Council.

1961 - 1965

- Mc Gill University, Montreal, QC Received Bachelor of Arts Degree, B.A. in June 1965.


- Lower Canada College, Montreal, QC 1959-61
- Selwyn House School, Montreal, QC 1949-59
- The Hague Academy Of International Law, Netherlands Summer Of 1968

Harry Bloomfield Q.C. Biography