Harry J.F. Bloomfield Q.C.
K.J.St.J., B.A., LL.B., M.B.A.
- Honorary Consul General of Albania at Montreal, Canada, 2007 to present. - Awarded the Gold Medal of the Jordanian Red Crescent, the Organization's highest award for services to Philanthropy and Middle East Rapprochement, in November 2007. - 2000 - 2002, President of the Canadian Branch of the International Law Association, ILA's Founding Member and Member of the International Board of the ILA. Member of the Organizing Committee for the Biennial World Conference held in Toronto, 2006. - Honorary Consul General Of The Republic Of Liberia at Montreal, Canada, 1986 to 2003. - Honorary Consul General Of Belize at Montreal, Canada, 1987 to 2002. - Alt. Representative of Belize to the International Civil Aviation Organization, (ICAO) Montreal, Canada, February 1991 to 2003. - Alt. Representative of Antigua and Barbuda to the International Civil Aviation Organization, 2003 to 2005. - President, World Society for the Protection of Animals - (Canada) 1980 to present; Member of the International Advisory Board of the World Society for the Protection of Animals, 1982-1991. Member of the World Board of Directors, 1991 to present. - Director and member of the executive committee, Canada-China Trade Council; Honorary Solicitor of the Council 1983 - 1996. - Official Candidate of the Progressive Conservative Party in February 1980 Federal Elections for Mount Royal Riding against incumbent, the Right Honourable P.E. Trudeau. - Official Candidate, Mount Royal P.C. Association, 1980 to 1984 and delegate to Ottawa and Winnipeg Conventions, 1981, 1983; Delegate to Leadership Convention, Ottawa, June 1983. - Member of the PC Quebec Finance Committee, 1983 to 1988. - 1980 to 1990, President of the Order of St. John, Quebec Council Foundation. Executive Committee Member and Vice-President, Order of St. John, Quebec Council and Chairman of Audit and Finance Committee 1981 to 1986; Awarded the rank of Knight of Justice in The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 1992, by the Governor General of Canada, by His Excellency the Rt. Hon. Raymond Hnatyshyn. Member of the Executive Committee, 1981 to 1988; Member of the Executive and Chairman of the Special Resources Committee, 1988 - 1989. - 1976 - Founding Director, Canadian Branch, International Law Association; Member of the International Monetary Law Committee of the International Law Association (MOCOMILA) since 1976. - 2000 to 2004 - President of International Law Association, Canadian Branch. - Member of the Section on Business law, International Bar Association since 1982. - Member of the Canadian Institute Of International Affairs since 1972. - Member of the Canadian Bar Association since 1969. - Member of the Operating Board of Directors, Jewish General Hospital of Montreal, appointed by Quebec Minister of Social Affairs, January 1982 - 1986. Member of the Corporation Board, 1984 -; Member of the Finance Committee, 1985-1988. - Member of the Board of the Corporation of the Reddy Memorial Hospital, Westmount, Quebec, 1978 to closure in 1995, and President of the Corporation of the Hospital since 1986. Chairman of the Building & Equipment Committee, 1980 _ 1986. - President, Harvard Business School Association De Montreal 1982-1984; Member of the Board of Governors 1976 to present. - Section E correspondent, Class of 1971, for Harvard Business School Bulletin, 1982 to 1992; Section E Fund Agent 1999. - 1982 - 1985 Director AMBAQ, Association des MBA du Qu�bec. - President, Old Boys Association of Selwyn House School, 1977-1982; Member of the Board of Directors, Selwyn House School, 1977-1982; Director of the Veritas Fund 1980 to present; - Lower Canada College, Montreal, Member of the Board of Governors, and Member of the Fund Raising Committee 1990-1992. - President, Mount Royal Lodge of B'nai Brith, 1983-1986; National Vice President, B'nai Brith Canada l986-l988 and 1990 to 1994; Member of the District Administrative Board; Member of Board of Governors of B'Nai Brith Canada, and of the League for Human Rights. National Dinner Vice-Chairman, 1988 to present. - Member of Montreal Branch of the Commanderie De Bordeaux, 1988 to present. - Chief Organizer of Man and his World International Chess Tournament, May 1979. - Consular Corps of Montreal, l990 Treasurer, Social Affairs Committee. |